Blue Valentines - a Cyanotype Workshop at NBLA
︎︎︎︎ UPDATE - Thanks to all participants, looking forward to the next workshop!︎︎︎ ︎
︎Cyanotype is a simple, elegant photographic-alternate image making process from the nineteenth century which is criminally underrated in the modern world. Despite its humble place in photographic history, and uncalled-for typecasting as the lowly conduit of technical drawings, the ungovernable, audaciously monochromatic... aloofness of cyanotype is in fact a stealthy creative dagger, gesturing capital-A Art from the saddle of its high horse. This workshop will thoroughly explore cyanotype as an expressive, inexpensive, and versatile artistic medium which can easily be combined with other DIY imaging & printing techniques.
︎Over the course of 2 days at the North Bay Letterpress Arts facility in Sebastapol, we'll investigate the basics of the medium, including its historical context and modern relevance, and the very few items needed to get started with it at home. We'll cover setup, mixing, and material prep, as well as conjure creative inspiration for the hands-on exploration of several techniques for creating images with cyanotype. Photographic experience and/or formal "art skillz" are welcome, but not at all required. ALL are invited! 10 spots available.
Don't you remember I promised I would write you?
– Tom Waits, Blue Valentines
“Brady Baltezore is a bay area-born artist and designer with particular enthusiasm for cyanotype, roots in DIY punk music, and a persistent & nagging feeling that a better world is still possible, if we want it”
︎︎︎︎ UPDATE - Thanks to all participants, looking forward to the next workshop!︎︎︎ ︎
︎Cyanotype is a simple, elegant photographic-alternate image making process from the nineteenth century which is criminally underrated in the modern world. Despite its humble place in photographic history, and uncalled-for typecasting as the lowly conduit of technical drawings, the ungovernable, audaciously monochromatic... aloofness of cyanotype is in fact a stealthy creative dagger, gesturing capital-A Art from the saddle of its high horse. This workshop will thoroughly explore cyanotype as an expressive, inexpensive, and versatile artistic medium which can easily be combined with other DIY imaging & printing techniques.
︎Over the course of 2 days at the North Bay Letterpress Arts facility in Sebastapol, we'll investigate the basics of the medium, including its historical context and modern relevance, and the very few items needed to get started with it at home. We'll cover setup, mixing, and material prep, as well as conjure creative inspiration for the hands-on exploration of several techniques for creating images with cyanotype. Photographic experience and/or formal "art skillz" are welcome, but not at all required. ALL are invited! 10 spots available.
Don't you remember I promised I would write you?
– Tom Waits, Blue Valentines
“Brady Baltezore is a bay area-born artist and designer with particular enthusiasm for cyanotype, roots in DIY punk music, and a persistent & nagging feeling that a better world is still possible, if we want it”
Hosted by North Bay Letterpress Arts
Sat/Sun September 2+3, 2023
Image making & printing techniques
Sat/Sun September 2+3, 2023
Image making & printing techniques